Wednesday, December 29, 2010


How many of the following make mistakes are you making? take a critical look at yourself .pretend you are someone else and that you've never seen the stranger in mirror.
let go of your fear of change and try a new color.
It may look ridiculous or it may be missing link to a beautiful,new year!
While adding new colors to your face here are the common mistakes you must avoid.
BASICS: A very common mistakes is being afraid to change your looks.some women wear the same face for years regardless of their changing attitudes and wardrobes Wake up and look around."change your palette," says Miss Anne Bradley of Anne Beauty World, who provides the helpful hints that follow.
.Using little or no make-up because you wear glasses and think it won't make any difference in the way you look.On contrary our expert agrees that wearers of glasses should use even more make-up than other women,so it can be seen.
.Not checking your make up in good light.
What looked like perfect blending and intensity in office lighting or outside.
.Applying make-up while wearing a brightly coloured bathrobe because the colour reflects into your face, you are likely to happy make -up differently from the way you would if you were wearing a white robe or your street clothes
.Cleanse your face thoroughly enough, either before applying make up or before going to bed at night.
Careless scrubbing can promote sagging facial tissues.
Always scrub with tips of your fingers in very circular motions.
.Not wearing enough (or any) moisturizer can leave your skin dry. women with oily skin should use moisturizer for oily skin. But endeavor to apply more moisturizer on the upper cheek bones (close to the eye sockets).this is because there are no oil glands in the skin around the eyes.It can easily become dehydrated and wrinkled.

FOUNDATION:- choose the color of foundation as close as possible to your natural skin tones.
Too much foundation while trying to cover acne and patches on your face is wrong.To smoothen the skin, or even it out, women often put on such thick layer of make-up that they look like a clay figurine.The rule is with foundation, less is better.When at home relaxing don't wear any at all. Give your skin a rest.
.Always put your foundation on gently with pads of the fingers for a smooth, even finish.Rubbing can give a streaky effect.Never pull the facial skin,especially around the eye area.
Avoid improper blending .Take your in well lighted area.Dab on the foundation with the tips of your fingers and smoothen it with a special make up sponge
.Older women often try to cover dark circles under the eyes with foundation. it usually only make the eyes look saggier.very little a make-up if any, should be used in the eyes area. Try for more sleep.
.Excess powder isn't good for your face.many women blob on powder hoping to make their skin look smoother.
A very light dusting of a good translucent powder is really the most you can do especially for mature skin,and it won't clog the pores.
.Never try to cover up features like a cleft chin or tribal mark with foundation.
These are marks of your individuality.

No contouring at all.You can make the best of what you have by remembering that darker shades of foundation will diminish prominent features,while lighter shades will bring out receding features.If your nose is too long , a light touch of dark shadow on top will make it look shorter.If it's crooked, blend a thin line of light pencil down the center.Dark blusher can be used around the chin or throat to make your face look oval shaped.
.Don't put all your rouge or blush in an intense dot on each cheek.use a large brush to apply it in a band across the cheek bones to hairline, and always blend it so you can't see where it begins or ends.

EYES:-over twee zed eyebrows are no longer trendy.The eye brows should be shaped very carefully according to the facial bone structuring.some ladies remove too much from the inner arch of the brow, some take too much from the outer ends(giving them a perpetually surprised look)and some pluck the brows.
.Heavily penciled eyebrows or brows that have been darkened too much gives an artificial look.The brows should be darkened only if they are sparse,and then with a shade that blends with a natural brow color.
.Heavy black eyeliner or thick lines around your eyes make them look like hollow pits.Use a thinner brush, a soft shade or eyeliner pencil.
.Light blue or light green eye shadow are too shouting.If you want to wear blue or green. Remember that bright white is too harsh.Use soft pink , apricot or beige.